QSI software downloads

Click above to download the core software.
Click below for the core software download page for Windows applications, where you can learn about the software including Sequence Generator Pro and ASCOM
QSI Core Software Downloads page - Windows

The SkyX Professional – Click below to visit the Software Bisque website for complete details
Software Bisque website
Nebulosity – QSI cameras are supported on intel-based Macintosh computers by Nebulosity from Stark Labs. Click below to download the latest version of Nebulosity directly from the Stark Labs website
Stark Labs website
INDI - QSI cameras are supported by INDI (Open Astronomy Instrumentation). Click below to read more about INDI and download the free software from the INDI website
INDI website

INDI - QSI cameras are supported by INDI (Open Astronomy Instrumentation). Click below to read more about INDI and download the free software from the INDI website
INDI website
GoQAT – QSI Cameras are supported on Linux by GoQAT, a free Open Source Linux application designed to operate a QSI camera, autoguider and telescope. Click below to read more about GoQAT and download the latest version directly from the GoQAT website.
GoQAT website

Click the below button to download the QSI legacy software. This includes the QSI old ASCOM driver v1.0.0.3
QSI Legacy Software
We recommend the current core software in all circumstances

The Windows SDK
Click the button below to download the QSI Windows SDK
Download the QSI Windows SDK
The QSI SDK provides both a C API (QSICameraClib.dll) and a COM API (QSICamera.dll) on Windows.
The C API exposes a traditional C layer that can be integrated with almost any programming language.
The COM layer provides integration with various Microsoft languages including VBA, .NET and VC++. It also provides integration with scientific programs that adhere to the COM standard LabVIEW, MATLAB etc. The COM layer also exposes an ASCOM layer for Astronomy development. Click the button below for the ASCOM website
The Linux SDK
QSI provides a camera control C++ API for Linux users. Click the button below to download the QSI Linux API.
The API requires Linux kernel version 2.6 or later, configured with libusb. See the ChangeLog and README files in the archive for additional details.
Download the QSI Linux API

Plug-in for Micro-Manager
µManager is a software for control of microscopes. It works with almost all microscopes, cameras and peripherals on the market, and provides an easy to use interface that lets you run your microscopy-based experiments. Together with ImageJ, μManager provides a comprehensive, widely supported, open source, freely available image acquistion and processing solution.
μManager has a simple and clean user interface which allows you to execute common microscope image acquisition strategies such as time-lapses, multi-channel imaging, z-stacks, and combinations thereof. μManager works with microscopes from all four major manufacturers (Leica, Nikon, Olympus and Zeiss), a wide range of scientific cameras and many peripherals used in microscope imaging, such as stages, filter wheels, shutters, etc.
Learn more about μManager
Notes:There are separate plug-ins for 32 and 64-bit version of µManager. It is important that you download the correct QSI µManager plug-in for the version of µManager installed on your system. Note that it’s possible to install and run the 32-bit version of µManager on a 64-bit system, so it is best to confirm which version you are running. Since µManager is a written as a plug-in for ImageJ, launch µManager, then select Help > About ImageJ… The 64-bit version will show that you’re running the 64-bit version of Java.
The plug-in requires that the latest version of “QSI USB Drivers and Software” is installed.
Download the 1.4.22 version of the QSI μManager Plug-in (32-bit) (.exe) 7.31mb v1.0
Download the 1.4.22 version of the QSI μManager Plug-in (64-bit) (.exe) 13.88mb v1.0
The current released plug-in is compatible with the current posted stable release of µManager (µManager Release 1.4.22). You will need to install version 1.4.22 of µManager by clicking the button below.
µManager Release 1.4.22
Sample LabVIEW vi's
QSI provides sample VI’s for LabVIEW that can be used as a starting point to develop custom LabVIEW applications using the QSI Windows COM API. Please get in touch for details.
Sample MATLAB code
QSI provides sample code for controlling QSI cameras from within MATLAB. Please get in touch for details.