We are pleased to announce that we will be extending the AtikOne bundle offer through to the end of May 2020.
This popular offer features everything you need for clear skies. This includes the AtikOne camera with a fully integrated filter wheel, plus the AtikOne OAG and the Atik GP guide camera. There is a choice of two highly sensitive Sony sensors with this camera. The AtikOne 6.0 utilises the Sony ICX694/5 sensor and the AtikOne 9.0 utilises the Sony ICX814/5 sensor, for outstanding resolution engineered for deep sky imaging. The component parts of this bundle are designed to seamlessly work together.
The bundle offers a massive €464 saving with an Atik 6.0 and a €409 saving with an Atik 9.0. Additionally, we have a 50% discount on our Narrowband and LRGB filters when bought with an Atik mono camera, to complete your set-up.
See some of the incredible images taken with the AtikOne 6.0 below:
- Olivier AGUERRE
- Alvaro Fornas
- Simon Großlercher
- Christian García Pérez
- 2019 Runner up – Regis Le Bihan
- Joao Vieira
… and the AtikOne 9.0:
- Goran Petrov
- Peter Whitfield
- Thomas Lewis
- David Cheng
- Goran Petrov
- Andras Jokai