At Atik Cameras we are proud to use our extensive experience in the development of cameras for various OEM applications to provide bespoke cameras made specifically for your project. We understand that default cameras can be useful in some situations but many applications require a camera that is tailor made for the intricacies of the application. We know that overlooking the minor details can lead to costly mistakes further down the line and therefore work tirelessly to ensure that the camera is the best possible fit for the application, and therefore significantly reduces the risk of the project.
For some larger projects, following an initial consultation with the client, we can provide direct access to our R&D team. This fosters a development culture of collaboration and trust and enables the client to maintain control of the project at all stages. This approach firmly places our clients in the driving seat and provides the peace of mind that the final product will meet the high standards that are required.
Key Considerations

At the heart of any camera is the sensor and while we can do simple changes such as changing thestandard sensor of a camera, we also go beyond this to deliver a truly optimum fit for your application. This mainly takes the form of the various interfacing options that we can apply. One such example is the triggering inputs that can allow the sensor to trigger at a precise time or part of a process. This allows for maximum precision to be enabled in order to capture detail at the exact moment that it is required whilst also being automated and therefore heightening the efficiency and repeatability of the process. This level of customisation can also be applied to other features such as indication outputs that highlight the exact time when an exposure is happening.
Furthermore, the mechanics of cameras that we supply into OEM applications are never completely fixed as many of our clients require cameras to be placed into systems with very specific, and often limited, spacing requirements. However, we build adapters, modify parts, and can completely change the shape of the case in order to fit the camera into the application in the least intrusive way possible. This approach is characterised by our PCB Series which provides the camera as a board set, and ensures that our clients are not limited to the core shapes and sizes of our cameras.

A recent example of our collaborative cutomisation approach is the Atik P14 camera. The P14 is a customised version of our Infinity design and was built bespoke for an automated colony counter and chromogenic identification system for use in food and environmental microbiology laboratories. To suit the needs of the application the sensor was changed from the Sony ICX825 to the Sony ICX205, and mechanical features were added in the form of extra threaded holes to help the client integrate the camera into the application.
Our collaborative customisation approach enables clients to take control of the design of the camera alongside our expert R&D team from concept to completion and ensure that it is well suited to the requirements of the application. To learn more or enquire about an upcoming project, use our contact page to get in touch.