Our new Atik Horizon CMOS camera is now available to pre-order through your favourite Atik dealer. The first cameras will begin shipping by the end of the month, so register your interest now and be amongst the first to get your hands on the newest addition to our range.
Full specifications are available over on the Horizon product page, but at a glance, here are a few things to look out for:
- 16MP 4/3″ CMOS sensor for large-scale, high megapixel images
- Compatible with our renowned Infinity live-stacking software, Artemis Capture and ASCOM
- 256mb DDR3 Image Buffer for advanced amp glow control
- ~1e- Read Noise
- Cooling ΔT=>-40°C
- USB 3.0
Our first camera to use a CMOS sensor, the Horizon offers a different kind of imaging experience to our CCD models. CMOS is particularly well-suited to shorter exposure imaging and stacking large numbers of frames. This is why we’ve built-in native compatibility with our Infinity live stacking software. With this combination, you can explore the night sky through 16MP images in a near-real time environment.
Read more about the differences between CCD and CMOS sensors
Gain and Offset
This also makes the Horizon our first camera with adjustable gain and offset values. You can change these settings depending on what you’re imaging, with lower settings great for dynamic range, and higher settings handy for a bit of extra sensitivity on dim objects.
For example, this narrowband image of the Wizard Nebula used a gain setting of 30. It was taken with a monochrome Atik Horizon on a Takahashi FSQ-106, 12 x 5 minute subs in each of Ha, SII and OIII.
- Wizard Nebula by Steve Chambers, taken with an Atik Horizon on a Takahashi FSQ-106